Au Praxinoscope LIVE 009

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“Nai Heya”

LIVE Au Praxinscope vol.9
is a live performance improvisation in between theatre, dance & juggling
Saturday, September 30, 2023
①14:30 Doors open 15:00 Event begins
②18:00 Doors open 18:30 Event begins

Au Praxinoscope, Jiyugaoka
Performed by Ichimatsu , Yuri Yamamura
Organized by Yuri Yamamura
Seating capacity: limited to 10
admission fee: 3,000 yen (1drink included)
Reservations and inquiries:
Reservation form

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Ichimatsu & Yuri Yamamura

LIVE Au Praxinscope vol.9

Performer Profile
A stage director / performer active between dance and theater. In 2016, he launched "sunatomizutama". Presenting works that cross the boundaries of genres. He is also one of a member of the Gecko Parade & Zero Shiki. 

Yuri Yamamura
Working as a juggler / dancer.  Graduated from Le LIDO circus art school in Toulouse, France. He does juggling as a kind of dance. Based on choreographies and improvisation focusing on the relationship between objects and the body. He organizes small circuses such as BAZAR and APINUN. 

    On Fridays & Saturdays
Au Praxinoscope
7-13-11 Okusawa 
Setegaya-ku, Tokyo